Slamport: Warlock's Journey

qT_p13 2024

A submission to Jammin 2024, a Caribbean game jam hosted on

Warlock goes on an epic spiritual journey to unlock the secrets behind the great and powerful Gorroth.

This entire concept is based on a Pyrion Flax meme around the lore of the Dota 2 hero "Warlock" and his new facet "Champion of Gorroth," where he summons a giant golem to fight at his side for a short period of time.

Game        Godot 4

Music/SFX     FL-Studio

Art *sic    Adobe Photoshop

The game supports keyboard (and some controller) inputs.


Movement    Left/Right arrow keys    (Left Analog/D-Pad)

Jump       Q    (Bottom action button)

Slam        W   (R - Shoulder)

Port          E    (L - Shoulder)

Pause      Esc   (Start)

Select (in menus)    Spacebar   (Bottom action button)

Known bugs:

Controller input works in game, but doesn't always connect on menu screens.

If you beat the game, the death counter is not reset if you start over.

Slam sound effect plays on button press instead of when you actually hit the ground.

On dying, if you retry the level  the damage counter is displayed, and you also perform your last action from just before you died.


Will the bugs be fixed in a future update?

This is a game jam entry, I'm happy if it loads and runs on the user's PC.

Is the story truly epic? 

Not by the looks of it - just check the screenshots (if i remembered to take any lolz)

Who is asking these questions?

I don't see anyone else here, so i guess I'm hallucinating again.

Everything here is my original work. Except maybe the code, of course thanks to everyone over the years, truly i think it very rare that in the world there is any "original" code anymore, it really is a collective that anything gets made in that regard.

And thanks to you for reading this far. And if you downloaded and played it, thanks again! Enjoy! Rate! Like! Share! Sub! Ding the bell!


Slamport.exe 86 MB
READMe.txt 1 kB


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“This is a game jam entry, I’m happy if it loads and runs on the user’s PC.”

Golden. I might steal